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Welcome all, and sorry for the delay.<br>
Char would have liked to have our new holosite fully functional, but we decided to totally revamp the the holosite, and we're hoping that everyone will appreciate all the hard work Vip Fortuna is putting in on this.
Welcome to the recently revived TAR Newsletter! Char hopes that his becomes a regular feature again, and provides you with the news of our group that you're looking for. If anyone wishes to provide input for the newsletter, you need to DM Char. Only DM inputs will be selected for the newsletter.
And with that note, let the '''Newslettering''' begin!
This month's issue includes the following topics:<br>
An overview of Project: Oracle is provided, we will have a new interview by Vip Fortuna and News from Aratech. We start with the Academy News.
Starting off this month's newsletter is a brief interview of one of our own, by none other than Vip Fortuna.
==Interview with A Prospector==
==Academy News==
This is the first issue of a series of interviews, where we focus on a single member
''by Chancellor Roche''
''Can you please state your name, rank, and your current mission objectives.''<br>
I know folks are wondering about the new lessons, and well with the Life Day celebrations it has taken a bit longer to finish the remaining small touches than originally planned. As many of you know I was also trapped for some time while the Indefatigable underwent repairs so I was unable to acquire the necessary video feeds etc to get the new Academy lessons rolled out on time. However I anticipate within the next week of having the new Basic Academy open for business. I'm sorry for the delay.
'''I'm Lieutenant Commander Skark a Trongard and I've just returned from a largely successful prospecting mission.'''
''What kind of equipment do you use?''<br>
We have 1 final subject for this Academy News, that is the awarding of the Top Cadet award for Year 12 Class B. That award will be awarded to '''Gale Naitin'''. We do hope she returns soon to live up to her potential.
'''I have used both the FK-7 Airspeeder and the SX-65 Groundhog.'''
''What is it like to do prospecting on a distant planet?''<br>
'''It can be tiring and rather lonely. I've noticed missions come and go that I would have liked to have taken.'''
''Would you say that it needs a certain character when it comes to prospecting?''<br>
==Ranger Files==
'''Yes, both loyalty and tenacity.'''
Next, Char would like to remind everyone that ''Ranger Files'' are now mandatory.<br>
Promotions and awards will be based on your Ranger File. The Faction Briefing Room has the full details. Those who do NOT have a File will be passed over for promotion and service/longevity awards.
''What has been your largest deposit (deposit of biggest worth) ?''<br>
'''I do not follow the prices of ores and I do not generally record my findings, so I would not know the greatest value. To clarify, I do send my findings on to both Char and whomever we are prospecting for.'''
''What are you doing in your spare time?''<br>
==Project: Oracle==
'''Helping to keep track of the factions who mean us ill.'''
''by Ku`Bakai Roche''
Thank you for your effort.
As many Rangers know the call for ''Project: Oracle'' was issued towards the end of Year 12. We are now just a bit over a month into the project and I thought I'd give a small overview of the project. As you know some sort of Force Storm wreaked havoc upon the galaxy shifting the locations of systems and planets. In some cases even transforming planets into completely different types. This change brings certain uncertainty unto the galaxy. It is fortunate the Rangers got the Xo System and all our stuff is close up.
This was Vip Fortuna
== Announcements ==
The first phase of ''Project: Oracle'' is the immediate gathering of data from nearby hyperspace coordinates to ensure that none of our enemies managed to acquire a nearby post to us. Thus far no enemy stations have been detected in this first stage of the operation. It is expected that the first stage should be completed in the next week or two as the remaining pilots report in.
Next up, we have some awards to announce across our various factions.
Phase two of ''Project: Oracle'' will consist of recon sweeps of nearby known hostile systems. One such system has already been assigned and hopefully we'll get reports soon enough. Others will be assigned in the coming days. Phase I has been limited to Spinward Sector. Phase II will encompass Mieru'kar and Veragi Sectors. Phase III in the future will reckon Gree Sector, the heart of the ''Black Sun''.
Char would like to congratulate Lijido Rothe for passing the one year mark with TAR. He has been awarded the One Year of Service duty badge for his Service ribbon. Congratulations, Mr. Rothe.
To date no one has been injured during the operation and all has proceeded well. '''Ryn Man''' early on did have a slight equipment malfunction and visited briefly the center of the galaxy, he has since returned to work.
Continuing this portion we turn to Mr. Roche, VP of Aratech
I would like to thank the Rangers who thus far have participated in Project: Oracle.<br>
Participants so far have been <br>
'''Ryn Man''',<br>
'''Lijido Rothe''',<br>
'''Richard Pyrol''',<br>
'''Raiden Jin''',<br>
'''Akura Dominar''' and<br>
'''David Byte'''.<br>
===Honoring Time Served===
I'd like to thank them for their work so far. W e have a lot more to check out and there is still time for you to participate. For those not following the holoboards closely there will be a mission badge for this mission and possibly the future missions into unknown space which will be a different Project.
''by Vice President Roche''
We would like to take some time this Newsletter to recognize the service of several employees who have reached certain milestones in the Ranger community.
Thanks Rangers!
'''Akura Dominar''' on approximately Year 12 Day 290 reached the two year mark as a member of Aratech and the Rangers. We appreciate all his efforts from then til now. I understand he was a great go getter back then and he continues to do all he's asked.
'''Ku`Bakai Roche'''<br>
Commander (Ranger Reserves)
'''Aidenolm Rosemourne''' on Year 12 Day 351 reached the two year mark as a member of Aratech and the Rangers. We appreciate his dedi cated service and continued work for the outfit. He's also busied himself lately with several small missions and even been patient when I messed up on one .
'''David Byte''' around Year 12 Day 353 reached the one year mark as a member of Aratech and the Rangers. We appreciate his recent missions usually with Akura to help retrieve corp property.
==Server Down-Time and new Site==
Char would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Vip Fortuna, Wuma Uxal-Lumir, and Daktal Hearst for their various input and assistance when our old site died. We'd be in deep poodoo without each and everyone of them. Keep an ocular organ out for the unveiling of the new site.
Thanks for all you do guys and keep it up. We appreciate it all.
In further news, Aratech has had some major strides lately, and to tell us about them is, again, Mr Roche of Aratech.
==Interview with a Veteran==
''by Vip Fortuna''<br>
===New Aratech Factories Come Online===
Hello again. In this issue we want to focus on a long-term member of TAR-The Antarian Rangers.<br>
''by Vice President Roche''
Greetings Rangers, I'm pleased to announce that Aratech had four new factories come online this past month on Xo I. These factories will help us replace some of our lost manufacturing capacity lost during the Black Sun raids of past years. Though Aratech maintains control of the former factories they are on decidedly hostile planets with shields in some cases.
We look forward to using these new factories in the near future to begin supplying the Jedi Order with Vehicles to help them keep the peace of the galaxy.
:''Can you please state your name, rank, and your current mission objectives.''<br>
'''I am DennyMala Solo, Commodore and I'm now covering a logistic role hauling raw materials for our production and building goal... think of me as a space trucker just to say...'''
===Project Bongo Sub A Hit!===
:''What kind of equipment do you use?''<br>
''by Vice President Roche''
'''The best I can find for the job. That's what I'm used to... but almost never you can get the right stuff so you gotta adapt and squeeze a result from what you have.<br>
Out of it, I'm Corellian and since I completely lost any memory of my past life, I tend to gather Corellian stuff for me... a way maybe to be able to recall something or be more in touch with my past.'''
Looking to get back into the marketplace, Aratech decided it was time to get back into public sales. A few projects were suggested. Project Bon go Sub was suggested by Security Tech. Press. He suggested we build them and sell them as few boats were ever up for sale. On the other hand I was thinking Project Voidspider might be successful. After a run of the numbers though Project Voidspider was canceled due to it costing more to make them than the avg market price, however the most profitable vehicle examined was Project Bongo Sub.
:''Being in TAR for that long, what motivates you to keep on?''<br>
'''The duty, the honor, the Family with all its members and the true belief that we're on the right side of the barricade. We're the one that will never let you down and that will never let an enemy stand. Time is on our side.... as an old tune sang.'''
The Project had a few glitches getting the naval shipyards going after such a long time and it took us almost two months to roll them of f the lines. I'm proud to report that all six sold within 24 hours of being put on the Centrepoint Market. We accepted slightly less than the initial offering due to fear of our competitors, but we still doubled our money on them. It was a huge success, and we look forward to continuing the project.
:''What has been your most rewarding moment of serving within TAR?''<br>
'''There have been some in truth, and only a few related to personal things such as achievements or mission done with outstanding success. Most of the really good moments involves the Family and all the fellow Rangers. I think of graduation ceremonies... they always risk to put a tear in my eye... or successes for our cause... it's not a particular thing... probably one that stand out a bit would be the day I was let into the Veteran's Room and received this pin...(he points to the Ranger Veteran Badge)... that's a day to remember for sure!'''
Many thanks to Security Tech. Press for his ideas and we hope he keeps them coming.
:''Would you please shed some light on the Ranger Oath?''<br>
'''The Ranger's Oath ...'''(he paused for a moment swallowed by his thoughts)...yes...(and he started to repeat the oath)<br>
'''I DennyMala Solo swear to honor and serve The Antarian Rangers, to the best of my abilities. I will help my fellow Ranger family and abide to keep tyranny and injustice at bay and do my duties.<br>
==Academy News ==
That is the essence of the Family. You not only have to serve TAR, but to honor it. It means to bring honor with all your action, every day and in every circumstance. Always doing your best as nothing less will be acceptable and nothing more will ever be requested. EVER.
where we take a look at the education system that turn ordinary sentients into Rangers
Helping our each other is a must in the Family and no Ranger will ever be left behind; not only referring to combat situation or dangers, but to any aspect of the life as a Ranger. The training, where you help your fellow cadets and strive for the better for every of them, the day to day work where everything you do is done to reach our goals and ease the work of the others.
Then our goal, oppose tyranny and injustice. That can be done only executing and caring for your duties above yourself.
It is a selfless life the one a Ranger choose and in that way it has to be lived.'''
===Ranger Academy News===
:''In your very humble opinion, what does it need to be a Ranger?''<br>
''by Chancellor Roche''
'''Being able to live up to the Oath we take and that we just spoke of. You need to be here for honor, duty and the strong sense of what's right. Money, glory or success are nothing... you need to see yourself as a sort of martyr in some way. You need devotion, absolute devotion.'''
Greetings Rangers, its good to bring you another Academy Update. Rather than posting them on our holoforums I will from this time forward submit the Academy Update to the Newsletter so that folks can see it there and we can help have a regular article.
:''Can you give some advice to the younger Rangers within our ranks?''<br>
'''Well, I'm not known to be one of the wiser around, but I can say that if you stay true to you, your fellow Rangers and the Family, you'll be well around here.'''
The Academy updates are proceeding. We plan to roll out the new lessons on Y13 D1. I know t hat is somewhat close by but many of the lessons for the basic academy only need some touch ups and a few of the electives are ready. Additional courses will be added in time according to our need.
:''What are you doing in your spare time?''<br>
'''Eh... spare time... easy to tell... right now I'm mostly kicking around crates and stuffs trying to leave an open passage aboard my assigned ship during t ravels.... I hate that, I'm a very tidy person and I like order... that mess just drives me crazy.'''
Some of the new lessons are taught by Ranger 1 involving Production, another lesson taught by myself on Facility Construction. There is a medical lesson floating around someplace I think but I need to grab hold of it again.
:''Thank you, Commodore. It is good to have you with us.<br>
At the time of this writing Vice Chancellor Press is still on his sabbatical. We do hope he returns soon to resume his duties. I've heard he plans to return around Wookiee Life Day.
This was Vip Fortuna with the Interview with a Vet.''
Professor Gale Naitin has now been with the academy for 90 days and will receive the instructor ribbon for her efforts. We appreciate her efforts and look forward to her advanced lessons from the Art Department.
Next month will will announce the winner of Y12 Class B top cadet ribbon.
==Aratech Service Awards==
''by Ku`Bakai Roche''
Thank you for your time Rangers. If anyone has a lesson idea or plan please feel free to contact me on the matter.
This month we have only one Aratech member up for a Service Award.
== Classified Ads ==
'''Fyston Sutsgy''' has achieved 6 months in Aratech as of Year 13 Day 4. We appreciate his services.
The Antarian Rangers have recently received a very large order for medical supplies, droids, and KAMs. Look for your local lab and the Stab n Slab to be very busy for the foreseeable future.
Several Aratech members will reach service milestones next month.
I know several are wondering about promotions and such and though I'm not announcing any for this month please be advised such will be coming shortly in the future in recognition of work done. I appreciate all those who have participated in hauling, scouting, retooling, hiring NPCs, training NPCs, starting production jobs etc this past few months that have enabled us to become more successful. There will be more work ahead, please keep up the good work and know that your efforts are noticed and will be rewarded.
Thank you Aratech for all you do.
===Vehicles Wanted===
Thank you all for your time and your patience.<br>
The High Council and Char personally are proud to stand by you as Rangers.
I'm looking for some uncommon to rare vehicles. Wanting to collect some for possible future research. I'm looking for the following: X10 Patrol Groundcruiser, Wind Rider, Personnel Skiff Model IV, and Mon Calamari Submersible. Would possibly be interested in swoops, speeder bikes and pod racers too. Contact Ku`Bakai Roche through Darkness system.
'''Char`Kargis Olort Aal-Qyrrgg'''<br>
''Ranger One''
Thank you for your time and until next month,
Submissions to the Newsletter are welcome, anything from news tidbits to classified ads. Submissions are due by the end of the month, sent via Darkness Message to Char'Kargis Olort.
[[Category:News|2012, 01]]

Latest revision as of 00:42, 27 January 2013

Welcome all, and sorry for the delay.
Char would have liked to have our new holosite fully functional, but we decided to totally revamp the the holosite, and we're hoping that everyone will appreciate all the hard work Vip Fortuna is putting in on this.

And with that note, let the Newslettering begin!

This month's issue includes the following topics:
An overview of Project: Oracle is provided, we will have a new interview by Vip Fortuna and News from Aratech. We start with the Academy News.

Academy News

by Chancellor Roche

I know folks are wondering about the new lessons, and well with the Life Day celebrations it has taken a bit longer to finish the remaining small touches than originally planned. As many of you know I was also trapped for some time while the Indefatigable underwent repairs so I was unable to acquire the necessary video feeds etc to get the new Academy lessons rolled out on time. However I anticipate within the next week of having the new Basic Academy open for business. I'm sorry for the delay.

We have 1 final subject for this Academy News, that is the awarding of the Top Cadet award for Year 12 Class B. That award will be awarded to Gale Naitin. We do hope she returns soon to live up to her potential.

Ranger Files

Next, Char would like to remind everyone that Ranger Files are now mandatory.
Promotions and awards will be based on your Ranger File. The Faction Briefing Room has the full details. Those who do NOT have a File will be passed over for promotion and service/longevity awards.

Project: Oracle

by Ku`Bakai Roche

As many Rangers know the call for Project: Oracle was issued towards the end of Year 12. We are now just a bit over a month into the project and I thought I'd give a small overview of the project. As you know some sort of Force Storm wreaked havoc upon the galaxy shifting the locations of systems and planets. In some cases even transforming planets into completely different types. This change brings certain uncertainty unto the galaxy. It is fortunate the Rangers got the Xo System and all our stuff is close up.

The first phase of Project: Oracle is the immediate gathering of data from nearby hyperspace coordinates to ensure that none of our enemies managed to acquire a nearby post to us. Thus far no enemy stations have been detected in this first stage of the operation. It is expected that the first stage should be completed in the next week or two as the remaining pilots report in.

Phase two of Project: Oracle will consist of recon sweeps of nearby known hostile systems. One such system has already been assigned and hopefully we'll get reports soon enough. Others will be assigned in the coming days. Phase I has been limited to Spinward Sector. Phase II will encompass Mieru'kar and Veragi Sectors. Phase III in the future will reckon Gree Sector, the heart of the Black Sun.

To date no one has been injured during the operation and all has proceeded well. Ryn Man early on did have a slight equipment malfunction and visited briefly the center of the galaxy, he has since returned to work.

I would like to thank the Rangers who thus far have participated in Project: Oracle.
Participants so far have been
Ryn Man,
Lijido Rothe,
Richard Pyrol,
Raiden Jin,
Akura Dominar and
David Byte.

I'd like to thank them for their work so far. W e have a lot more to check out and there is still time for you to participate. For those not following the holoboards closely there will be a mission badge for this mission and possibly the future missions into unknown space which will be a different Project.

Thanks Rangers!

Ku`Bakai Roche
Commander (Ranger Reserves)

Server Down-Time and new Site

Char would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Vip Fortuna, Wuma Uxal-Lumir, and Daktal Hearst for their various input and assistance when our old site died. We'd be in deep poodoo without each and everyone of them. Keep an ocular organ out for the unveiling of the new site.

Interview with a Veteran

by Vip Fortuna

Hello again. In this issue we want to focus on a long-term member of TAR-The Antarian Rangers.

Can you please state your name, rank, and your current mission objectives.

I am DennyMala Solo, Commodore and I'm now covering a logistic role hauling raw materials for our production and building goal... think of me as a space trucker just to say...

What kind of equipment do you use?

The best I can find for the job. That's what I'm used to... but almost never you can get the right stuff so you gotta adapt and squeeze a result from what you have.
Out of it, I'm Corellian and since I completely lost any memory of my past life, I tend to gather Corellian stuff for me... a way maybe to be able to recall something or be more in touch with my past.

Being in TAR for that long, what motivates you to keep on?

The duty, the honor, the Family with all its members and the true belief that we're on the right side of the barricade. We're the one that will never let you down and that will never let an enemy stand. Time is on our side.... as an old tune sang.

What has been your most rewarding moment of serving within TAR?

There have been some in truth, and only a few related to personal things such as achievements or mission done with outstanding success. Most of the really good moments involves the Family and all the fellow Rangers. I think of graduation ceremonies... they always risk to put a tear in my eye... or successes for our cause... it's not a particular thing... probably one that stand out a bit would be the day I was let into the Veteran's Room and received this pin...(he points to the Ranger Veteran Badge)... that's a day to remember for sure!

Would you please shed some light on the Ranger Oath?

The Ranger's Oath ...(he paused for a moment swallowed by his thoughts)...yes...(and he started to repeat the oath)

I DennyMala Solo swear to honor and serve The Antarian Rangers, to the best of my abilities. I will help my fellow Ranger family and abide to keep tyranny and injustice at bay and do my duties.

That is the essence of the Family. You not only have to serve TAR, but to honor it. It means to bring honor with all your action, every day and in every circumstance. Always doing your best as nothing less will be acceptable and nothing more will ever be requested. EVER. Helping our each other is a must in the Family and no Ranger will ever be left behind; not only referring to combat situation or dangers, but to any aspect of the life as a Ranger. The training, where you help your fellow cadets and strive for the better for every of them, the day to day work where everything you do is done to reach our goals and ease the work of the others. Then our goal, oppose tyranny and injustice. That can be done only executing and caring for your duties above yourself. It is a selfless life the one a Ranger choose and in that way it has to be lived.

In your very humble opinion, what does it need to be a Ranger?

Being able to live up to the Oath we take and that we just spoke of. You need to be here for honor, duty and the strong sense of what's right. Money, glory or success are nothing... you need to see yourself as a sort of martyr in some way. You need devotion, absolute devotion.

Can you give some advice to the younger Rangers within our ranks?

Well, I'm not known to be one of the wiser around, but I can say that if you stay true to you, your fellow Rangers and the Family, you'll be well around here.

What are you doing in your spare time?

Eh... spare time... easy to tell... right now I'm mostly kicking around crates and stuffs trying to leave an open passage aboard my assigned ship during t ravels.... I hate that, I'm a very tidy person and I like order... that mess just drives me crazy.

Thank you, Commodore. It is good to have you with us.

This was Vip Fortuna with the Interview with a Vet.

Aratech Service Awards

by Ku`Bakai Roche

This month we have only one Aratech member up for a Service Award.

Fyston Sutsgy has achieved 6 months in Aratech as of Year 13 Day 4. We appreciate his services.

Several Aratech members will reach service milestones next month.

I know several are wondering about promotions and such and though I'm not announcing any for this month please be advised such will be coming shortly in the future in recognition of work done. I appreciate all those who have participated in hauling, scouting, retooling, hiring NPCs, training NPCs, starting production jobs etc this past few months that have enabled us to become more successful. There will be more work ahead, please keep up the good work and know that your efforts are noticed and will be rewarded.

Thank you Aratech for all you do.

Thank you all for your time and your patience.
The High Council and Char personally are proud to stand by you as Rangers.

Char`Kargis Olort Aal-Qyrrgg
Ranger One

Submissions to the Newsletter are welcome, anything from news tidbits to classified ads. Submissions are due by the end of the month, sent via Darkness Message to Char'Kargis Olort.